Tai He Services

Tai He Academy is specialized in Daoist Arts.
And we provide online learning services and support.

Tai Ji
Martial Art and moving meditation
Dao Yin
Muscle and Meridian Tonification
Qi Gong
Body Energy Foundation
Internal Alchemy
Spirit Nurturing
Daoist Philosophy
Practical and Theoretical application
TCM Nutrition
Reference for your daily life
For self and couple therapy
Specialty Courses
To go deeper into the art

Join Us

Be part of our Arts community

We are constantly innovating to bring you the best teachers, authors, classes, topics, ideas and practice to the comfort of your home.

Every month you will see a variety of exercies, learning skills and you'll have the possibility to request a private lecture in a one-on-one tutoring session, to improve your skills, correct mistakes or get a personalized assesment.

Being a member will also help us to bring more specilized instructors and collaborators around the World.

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